Thursday, November 10, 2011



Yups, "Heroes Day", "Heroes die", "Heroes Deh!" I was the expression of various times over this nation's respect to the services of a hero ... each of the sentence is merely an image of "us" for a sense of intuition to the services of a hero.
In the past we really appreciate the services of our heroes, and it represents the first sentence "Heroes Day", and in the current era of "Orde Baru" the many heroes who died in vain because of a mental nation at the time, and it represented with thesecond sentence "Heroes Die", and the latter is a mental youth of today, most of which are "Just" express respect for the heroes of services through "writing, socialnetworking, hanging out with her ​​litter" just ride exists, and it represented by the lastsentence "Heroes deh".
There is one more thing that is not less important .... namely the shiftingunderstanding of the values ​​sense of nationalism from time to time, and it portrayedthrough illustrations flag Red and White are shifted sideways to the left as ifexperiencing a "displacement by force" until the black color imprint.

yups, "Hero Day", "Hero Die", "Hero Deh!" hanyalah ekspresi saya terhadap berbagai masa atas rasa hormat bangsa ini terhadap jasa para pahlawan... masing-masing dari kalimat tersebut hanyalah gambaran "kita" atas rasa intuisi terhadap jasa pahlawan.
Di masa lalu kita benar-benar sangat menghargai jasa para pahlawan kita, dan itu mewakili dari kalimat pertama "Hari Pahlawan", dan di saat era "orde baru" banyaknya pahlawan yang meninggal sia-sia karena mental bangsa pada saat itu, dan itu terwakili dengan kalimat yang kedua "Pahlawan Mati", dan yang terakhir adalah mental pemuda masa kini, yang kebanyakan "hanya" mengekspresikan rasa hormat terhadap jasa para pahlawan lewat "tulisan, jejaring sosial, nongkrong bersama sambil buang sampah sembarangan" hanya numpang eksis, dan itu terwakili dengan kalimat yang terakhir "Pahlawan deh!".
Ada satu hal lagi yang tidak kalah pentingnya.... yaitu bergesernya pemahaman nilai-nilai rasa Nasionalisme dari masa ke masa, dan itu tergambarkan lewat ilustrasi Bendara Merah Putih yang bergeser miring ke kiri seolah-olah mengalami "perpindahan dengan paksaan" hingga membekas warna hitam.

Monday, October 3, 2011


yups... this is it... i hope so

The concept of poster design contest for the Commission this time the movie isinspired from outer space movie ng-trend in the age of 90 '"ET", but without prejudice to respect for the designer of the poster (not plagiarism) here I just conceptualize
the same thing, which is a good emotional relationship without discrimination of race, class, occupation, social status.
The style of poster design is expected to raise public confidence in the Commission as an official agency of State and dignitaries as well as a little slap asthe candidates' pembenah "state (no need to be leaders) to do right and populist,while aliens can only be good and true eyes of the sons of men paddle bikes.

Concept flyer design contest for the Commission this time is the theme of "the importance of elections for voters", this design is inspired by youth culture style ofIndonesia in the days of independence struggle, which in that era
Indonesian youth of the time when fighting or calling their aspirations through graffitiwalls or railway carriages.

With a design style "psychedelic" (retro) is expected to attract enthusiasts youth asvoters pay more attention to his role as the rights of voters, that his voice can bring change to this country.

This design may be styled psychedelic surrealist style that tends to elaborate, buthere I will be a little more simplify appearance or layout and letter writing, hoping to be easily read and understood the meaning of the message content of the vision mission of the Commission by all audiences (general).

Concept flyer design contest the second to the Commission, namely the theme of "the importance of elections for women voters", still with the same design style as "psychedelic" (retro), but this time further highlight the design of the graphics in the makeup of the font (letter) how Typically of the psychedelic.

The purpose of this design concept is a picture of women in equality have voting rights to choose in terms of feminism without changing or violating their nature as women, because somehow their voices could provide a significant change for this country.